23éme congrès mondial de Psychiatrie sociale
De gauche à droite : T. Pontes, B. Cyrulnik, A. Barreto, N. Hugon, H. Camarotti, G. Perella
23éme congrès mondial de Psychiatrie sociale
25-28 octobre 2019 - Bucarest
25-28 octobre 2019 - Bucarest
La TCI est bien présente dans la WASP (World Association of Social Psychiatry - Section Community Mental Health) : plusieurs présentations au 23eme congrès mondial de Psychiatrie sociale - 25-28 octobre - Bucarest.
The necessary complementarity between clinical models and solidarity models in the promotion of the mental health
By Adalberto BARRETO
ICT and solidarity care
By Adalberto BARRETO
ICT from Brazil to Europe
Disease as a learning path from the perspective of resilience. Self Consciusness developement program (pro-healing)
Integrative Community Therapy: about co-formation of professional and community leaders in the south of France
A context of empowerment and resilience of communities, families ans social nets
Emotions without frontoiers: a new access throught a splidary care
By Teresa PONTES